At 10:49 AM -0700 3/9/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  Then there's the group who are running something like Windows ME who
>  are adamant that "my time is too valuable for me to learn anything."
>  What are we going to do, kick them off the list with a "learn-ya
>  damn-ya!"  I certainly feel that way at times.  So does my partner.

We get that kind of crap to, too.  I think we get a lot 
more of it than most anyone else, because many stupid people seem to 
see that Mailman is a project supported by, and they 
"naturally" assume that this is the site where all mailing lists in 
the Universe are hosted, and that it's our only purpose in life to 
kowtow to their every whim.

Believe me, I'll put a lot of work into making sure that I *don't* 
comply with their demands, and I can be pretty harsh in my responses.

>  These are the hard realities of the Consumer Internet.  The last thing
>  my partner and I **need** is a Unix-like encrypted password and having
>  to reset passwords as root.

That's not necessary.  Think of all the "enter your e-mail address, 
have auto-generated new password sent to you" systems on the 
Internet.  Well, that's what we're talking about here.  Trust me, 
it's far, far better than the old reminders.

Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Consultant & Author
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