At 12:25 PM -0500 3/11/07, Steve Burling wrote:

>  From what I've been able to figure out, there are two parts of mailman that
>  are platform-dependent:
>      $MAILMAN_HOME/mail/mailman (the wrapper that mail is piped to)
>      $MAILMAN_HOME/cgi-bin/* (which get used by the web server)

That's not really platform-dependant.  Mailman itself is pure Python, 
so should run anywhere that Python does.  These kinds of things are 
installation-dependant, and if you were to install Mailman in a 
different location on exactly the same platform, then these things 
would be different -- or at least in different places.

The "standard" locations for things in the typical Mailman world 
(i.e., as downloaded directly from our sources) are usually somewhat 
different from where things get put if you use a version that has 
been pre-packaged by someone else.

However, since these locations involve things in the code that can be 
buried pretty deep, if you want to move a Mailman installation from 
one platform to another, I would recommend that you completely 
re-install Mailman from the appropriate sources on the new box, then 
copy over just the configuration files and archives for the lists.

Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Consultant & Author
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