TRON478 wrote:
>i have now my list up and running, but now im asking myself how to backup
>the already subscribed users and lists? so if my machine one day chrashes, i
>want to set it up again an dont want to subcribers subribe again to my
>lists. is there a documentation for this point? or how are you doing?

There are some articles on this in the FAQ, but they are unduly

It is probably sufficient to backup Mailman's lists/ and
archives/private/ directories. This won't get held messages waiting
moderator approval or messages in Mailman's processing queues, but it
will get the list data and membership and archives.

If you want held messages, you can add Mailman's data/ directory, and
if you want the queues, add qfiles/.

If all you want are list settings and membership, lists/*/config.pck*
will do it, and all the info needed to rebuild archives is in

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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