Yasean Khan wrote:
>>>> Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 15 April 2007 4:42 AM >>>
>Then assuming cron/sendigests is pointing at the right Mailman, a
>digest should be sent or there should be some error reported in
>Mailman's error log.
>===> How does one check that senddigests is pointing to the right

By checking cron/paths.py as below.

>I can execute senddigests and its sits there for a bit ... but no log
>etc is created..

Do you mean by this that nothing is written to Mailman's error log? If
so, then I am as puzzled as you.

>Is prefix set correctly in cron/paths.py? it should contain in your
>case there should be
>prefix = '/usr/lib/mailman/'
>in cron/paths.py.
>===> yes there are those pre-fixes in that file
>prefix = '/usr/lib/mailman'
>exec_prefix = '${prefix}'

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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