Michael Rainey wrote:

>It is a binary packaged version, Linux, not sure which flavor, always 
>assumed Redhat

If it's RedHat with Mailman 2.1.5, the installation is probably in
/var/mailman an the log files in /var/log/mailman.

>The aliases are there.
>I am ready to tell them to go ahead and do a complete reinstall, but 
>want to make sure I have got my subscriber list intact. It should be 
>visible to me as admin but is not, and even when I change privacy option 
>to list visible to subscribers or to all it doe not let me see.

Can you see the membership on the admin membership list?

The roster doesn't show hidden members regardless of who requests it
(this will be fixed in 2.1.10).

Don't do the reinstall untill you have gone through
My guess as the most likely problem is the qrunners aren't running
(item 1b in the FAQ). You may not be able to do some things like
bin/check_perms, but check the things you can.

>I rely on CP completely as am novice at SSH and also afraid I will mess 
>it up even more. I do have a CP for server and access/ see root there
>Two issues:
>1. How can I see, retrieve or back up my list (remembering I know how to 
>log in with SSH but that's about all)

/var/mailman/lists/<listname>/config.pck (assuming I have the first
part of the path right) has all the list settings, the membership list
and all the member options.

/var/mailman/archives/private/<listname>.mbox/<listname>.mbox has all
you need to rebuild the archives with /var/mailman/bin/arch, and the
already built archives are in /var/mailman/archives/private/<listname>/

>2. Any other ideas about basic not sending or receiving.

The above referenced FAQ article.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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