Brian Carpenter wrote:
>I had a client report to me this morning that several of his lists
>mysteriously unsubscribed members of the list without their permission or
>interventions. As far as I can tell these members were not generating any
>bounces. I checked the FAQ and archives of this list but I found nothing
>that would explain this behavior.
>Could there be any other possible reasons for this other than:
>1. Intentional action by member
>2. Intentional action by administrator
>3. Bounce removal

Check Mailman's subscribe log? The unsubscribes and reasons should be

Members with stale bounce info can be disabled (or unsubscribed if
bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings = 0) if bounce_score_threshold is
lowered to a value <= the member's stale bounce score.

I suppose you could add to your list 'intentional action by a third
party who somehow compromised user passwords, the list admin password
or the site password or found an unknown security hole'. I don't think
this is likely, particularly the security hole. 
Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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