> On 5/29/07, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> >/  Does anybody else use Postfix 2.4?
> /
> Actually, I'm pretty sure we are currently using it on the NTP Public 
> Services Project pages at ntp.isc.org, which is the project I had 
> gotten involved in years ago, prior to getting involved in Mailman. 
> I got on this mailing list in order to help me figure out if it would 
> be a good idea to switch from Majordomo to Mailman, and I haven't 
> looked back since.
> Currently, these are the two primary open source projects where I 
> spend most of my time.
> If you want to give it a test, I could install the latest postfix 2.5 
> experimental or non-production patch releases on the python.org mail 
> servers, so that we can give the newer code a try.  ;)
> Seriously, I am quite convinced that the problem here is a 
> mis-configuration between Mailman and postfix, and that neither 
> program is necessarily "at fault".
> -- 
> Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org 
> <http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users>>, Consultant & Author
> LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>
> Slides from Invited Talks: <http://tinyurl.com/tj6q4>

Still having problems with Maioman via Postfix 2.4, so I just upgraded 
to the stable patch 2.4.3. My edited mm_cfg.py file:
MTA = 'Postfix'
DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'lists.shambhala.com'
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'lists.shambhala.com'

[user]# ifconfig | grep 130
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

[user]# postconf | grep version
mail_version = 2.4.3

Yes, I have stopped & restarted Mailman after each mm_cfg.py change and 
no, there are no anti-virus or other rejections with postfix. 
Additionally I am not running SELinux on this box.

After my recent Postfix upgrade to 2.4.3, my logs/smtp-failure contains:
Jun 03 23:54:13 2007 (29345) Low level smtp error: (4, 'Interrupted 
system call'), msgid: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jun 03 23:54:19 2007 (29345) Low level smtp error: (4, 'Interrupted 
system call'), msgid: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jun 03 23:54:20 2007 (29345) Low level smtp error: (4, 'Interrupted 
system call'), msgid: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jun 03 23:54:21 2007 (29345) Low level smtp error: (4, 'Interrupted 
system call'), msgid: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Now one clue that might be relevant is that when creating test lists and 
testing sending messages to beta users of these lists, all works fine. 
But as soon as the list contains the actual number of users, in one case 
5,100 members, in another 350 members, the mailings to the subscribers 
fail with the error as listed above. And there is no obvious throttling 
on the Postfix MTA.

Think I should try downgrading to an earlier version of Postfix? It does 
seem like a recent upgrade of Postfix may have broken the connection 
that once did exist. Any other thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.


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