Hydro John wrote:

>Frustraiting! No aliases file in /var/lib/mailman/data/... it must be that
>the file in /etc/mailmain/ is the one (or at least it looks like the one)
>that the service should be using... 

In a normal installation with Mailman/Postfix integration enabled via

MTA = 'Postfix'

in mm_cfg.py, the Mailman aliases are in Mailman's data/ directory. It
seems that you are manually putting Mailman aliases in /etc/aliases
and making the group of /etc/aliases* 'mailman' to get around group
mismatch errors. This should be OK, but why Postfix doesn't like/find
/etc/aliases.db is a Postfix question, not a Mailman question.

>Just a side note. I started python from the command line, and tried to 'from
>Mailman import *' and there is no module named Mailman (or) mailman... that
>seems to me like it could be a problem?!

This is normal. Try Mailman's

 bin/withlist -i

command or try

 import sys

or cd to ~mailman before starting Python before trying to import from

I.e., Mailman has to be in Python's search path and it isn't if you
just start Python in an arbitrary directory.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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