Hello everyone,

(Sorry if this one is documented elsewhere - did not find anything similar
in the FAQ...)

I have two mailinglists sitting on the same machine, one being the general
user mailinglist (A) and the other one the software developer list (B) (B is
reachable by a commonly known 'support' email adress).

Is there an easy way to allow members of list A to write messages to list B
without being members of B?

My current solution is to add the members of A to the accepts filter of list
B - something that I am currently doing using the web interface...

My real question is: Is it possible to add addresses to the 'accepts' filter
of a mailinglist from the commandline?

(I would then let a cron job periodically extract the A members using
list_members and add those to the 'accepts' of B.)



Mailman-Users mailing list
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Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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