Sales - Import Auto Source wrote:
>Mailman is provided by my web host. I have followed their instructions, as
>well as much of the Mailman FAQ and setup as I can comprehend. (Fairly new
>to this stuff)
>The problem: The list doesn’t send out any messages.

Do new members get notified of their subscription?

>Anyhow, This is what happens. 
>-          setup new list (HYPERLINK
>"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"[EMAIL PROTECTED] just for testing, and
>seems to activate fine.)
>-          I can log in to the administration panel no problem and add
>users, adjust settings, etc. 
>-          I can send email to the list. (Don’t get a bounce or anything)
>but nothing happens. I made sure the email address I was sending from was
>added to the list before hand. 
>-          I read the FAQ and the problem “seems” to indicate an issue with

No. From the above mailto, I guessed that your listinfo page is at
<> and I see from this that
your Mailman version is 2.1.9.cp2. This tells me two things.

First it is 2.1.x so that cron is not involved in sending list mail.
cron is only involved in sending list mail in 2.0.x (and older).

>I checked my Cron information (I don’t know how much access I get
>to this stuff, as it is mosty new to me) and I see nothing in my little
>access area. I tried putting in some of the strings in the Cron area, but
>still nothing. (I actually am not sure if I even input that information
>correctly, I just copied and pasted off the FAQ.)

Whatever you did is probably wrong :-(

Second, this is a cPanel Mailman so
is relevant.

>Any tips or tricks? Where to start or to tell my host to help?

Have you checked
<> to see
if your tests are waiting moderator action?

Refer your host support to
If the host support has further questions, they are welcome to post to

I also note that there are no messages archived for your 'test' list.
Assuming archiving is enabled for this list and the posts aren't held
in the admindb interface, that suggests that either your posts aren't
getting to Mailman, or at least some of Mailman's qrunners aren't

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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