Michael McAndrew wrote:
>Very helpful - thought I'd write back to update you on what I did ...

Thanks for the report.

>actually, one more small question - the line that
>prints the error: should it have >> after the print command?  Is that a part
>of the python language I'm not familiar with, or is it something an email
>client stuck in ?!?!

The '>>' is part of the print command. it is used to print to an open
file descriptor other than sys.stdout. I.e.,

print 'some text'


print >> sys.stdout, 'some text'

are equivalent, and you can print to any 'object' that has a write()
method with

print >> object, 'some text'

In this case, the construct

print >> sys.stderr, 'message text'

is used to send the error message to stderr rather than stdout.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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