I administer a Mailman 2.0.12 server that runs many (>870) mailing  
lists, the vast majority are used internally where I work. However, we  
have the odd external recipient; more problematically we have a bunch  
of internal recipients (e.g., [EMAIL PROTECTED]) that forward their  
mail to an external provider like gmail.

A couple of days ago I was troubleshooting an issue for a user and  
noticed that the "nomail" option was set for them in a particular  
list. Obviously, because of this, they weren't getting any mail; I  
presume the flag was set because of bounces. My question is this: is  
there any way that, from the command-line, I can generate a list of  
users who have a particular flag set -- like the "nomail" flag -- from  
the command-line? My overall goal is to be able to run a script  
against every mailing list we have to print me the users with the  
"nomail" flag set.

The only way I currently know of to view the flags is through the  
Membership Management page in the Mailman web interface, which I  
really want to avoid for 870 lists.



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