Keith Daniels wrote:
>What the mailman list does do:
>1 - It receives and sends post to the list
>2 - It saves the web interface configuration changes to the *.pck file
>( I tested this several ways)
>3 - You can create a new list.
>What the mailman list does not do:
>1 - It does not apply configuration settings to emails sent to the
>list members.  (headers, footers, accept_these_nonmembers and all
>other changes made in the web interface)
>What the delivered post looks like:
>  It looks just like "any email" I would have sent directly from
>Yahoo.  My test have been made sending mail from a account
>to mailman@<my.domain>.com which are then sent to an account at
>Here is a sample of a recieved post:
>        from         XXXX XXXXX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>        to           "mailman@<my.domain>com" <mailman@<my.domain>.com>
>        date         Nov 24, 2007 10:45 AM
>        subject      Mailman test #1929
>        signed-by
>Mailman test #1929

Did this post go through mailman? What are the full headers? Is ther an
"X-BeenThere: mailman@<my.domain>com" header and or other mailman

>Does anyone have any clues about what could cause this or any ideas of
>anything I could test or check?

Do you have a separate Postfix alias (in /etc/aliases perhaps) the
delivers mail sent to 'mailman' to you directly.

Also, check maillog to see where this mail to mailman@<my.domain>com
was delivered and if it was resent from Mailman. The latter can also
be determined from Mailman's logs.

>If this looks like a lot of work to figure out and/or fix I would
>rather just remove Mailman and reinstall the latest version for Suse
>Any opinions about the validity of re-installing?

I think it's an MTA/alias issue. If I'm right, reinstalling won't
change it.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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