Charles Marcus wrote:
>All I'm really interested in removing is the Sub, Unsub and Help 
>headers, but this refers to v. 2.0 final, and the headers in question 
>(that I'm interested in) begin on line # 206 instead of 116, so before I 
>do this, I thought I'd ask...
>If I wanted to remove these headers do I just comment the following lines?
>    headers.update({
>        'List-Help'       : '<mailto:%s?subject=help>' % requestaddr,
>        'List-Unsubscribe': subfieldfmt % (listinfo, requestaddr, 'un'),
>        'List-Subscribe'  : subfieldfmt % (listinfo, requestaddr, ''),
>        })

If you want to remove just those 3 and keep the List-Post: and
List-Archive: headers, then yes, comment those lines.

OTOH, if you don't care about the List-Post: and List-Archive: headers,
then just set General Options->include_rfc2369_headers to No.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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