I'm not new to Mailman, just this listserv. I've used it for years 
with an organization that has good support with few problems. I just 
moved a site to a server that used to have decent support, but now 
apparently doesn't. I put in numerous tickets - sometimes saying they 
fixed it & recently no response at all.

I set up the listservs last month (5 of them that used to be on 
Majordomo). They worked at first, but since then I have intermitten 
problems with them not working ever since. But not working, I mean 
messages to the lists don't post. I have no idea where they go, but 
this is from various users. Also the "-owner" email addresses from 
all of the lists have never worked & I've sent out numerous test 
messages - they're supposed to come to me and another list admin, bu 
they never show up.

I have access to the admin area and ftp, but not root and I'm not a 
techie. Is there anything I can do besides give up and move to 
another server?

Joyce Dowling http://uu-mom.livejournal.com/
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