Spyro Polymiadis wrote:

>After a little digging.. it seemed a file in the queue had halted the archiver 
>or something..
>I moved all messages out of the queue and restarted mailman and dropped files 
>back in there a few at a time.
>They are now processing again.... weird..

Assuming you didn't find any problem messages, I suspect ArchRunner was
just in a coma for unknown reason. I suspect just restarting mailman
or even just sending a SIGHUP to ArchRunner might have got it going.

If it was a message that was the problem the situation would depend on
the Mailman version. Pre 2.1.9, the problem message was dequeued and
was at least partially lost when you restarted Mailman. The message is
probably missing from the HTML archive, but may be in the
listname.mbox/listname.mbox file. Beginning with Mailman 2.1.9, the
message would have been still in the queue as a .bak file. If the .bak
file was in the queue when Mailman was restarted, it would have been
processed. If it had been removed from the queue when Mailman was
restarted and later put back, it is probably still in the queue until
the next time ArchRunner restarts.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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