Robin Lougee-Heimer wrote:

>A mailman archive was inadvertently made public for a list I own (!) and 
>I'm trying to clean up any pages that were cached by search engines. 
>The way to flush the cache created by search engines is easy - just add an 
>html tag in the header section of the webpage pages.  But I can't figure 
>out how to access the html pages for the archive pages generated by 
>mailman.  Is there a way?   (I didn't see this addressed in the faqs or in 
>a quick scan of the documentation.)

Whether your list archives are public or private, the static HTML pages
are all in the archives/private/listname/ directories and can be
edited as you desire, but some pages such as the TOC and index pages
are rewritten as messages are added.

But, this won't do any good. When your archive was public, it was
accessed via the 'pipermail' alias. I.e. it was accessed via a URL of
the form which accessed the
archive itself via a symlink in archives/public/. Now that the archive
is private, the symlink is gone, and that 'pipermail' URL no longer

In any case, you need to just wait for the search engine to crawl your
site again, find that the URL now returns a 'not found' and drop its
cached page.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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