> Aaron Gray wrote:
>>Hi, a mailman newbie here :)
>>Before installing MailMan I want to know if there is an admin option 
>>for either disallowing attachments, ie removing them or bouncing 
>>messages if they have an attachment.
>>Many thanks in advance,
> ---------------- End original message. ---------------------
> You have several options on what to do with attachments. You can have 
> them completely stripped (which is what I do on my lists), leave them 
> alone or have them "scrubbed".
> Scrubbing is where the attachment is removed from the message and 
> stored in the list archive while an URL is added to the list post 
> pointing to the file.
> All of this is controllable by file type, if you desired it, you can 
> allow or scrub some types of attachments while disallowing all others.

Nice, very nice, thanks,


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