On May 7, 2008, at 4:07 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:

I looked at my heldmsg files (all 40,000 of them :-)) and there are a
number patterns. Most heldmsg files are from a handful of lists (let's
call them baseball and football). If I do a dumpdb of the hockey
list's pending.pck file, this is the output:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/bin]$ ./dumpdb ../lists/hockey/pending.pck
[----- start pickle file -----]
<----- start object 1 ----->
{   '6183e43cf99b4a6850537d2a4837b26886bade2a': ('H', 5145),
   'd22c46a0b5c704ec8be5c63a791e53adc23dc7fc': ('H', 5146),
   'df7eae0e0a275c43b9c4bfb8d5f037df578e6cc2': ('H', 5147),

Note that the entries in lists/hockey/pending.pck are only the
confirmation tokens and they expire after (default) 3 days, so there
may normally be lots of held messages that are not in pending.pck.


The tokens in pending.pck are for the submitter of the held message to
be able to cancel the post or for the admin/moderator to be able to
cancel or approve the post by email. They have nothing to do with
what's in the admindb interface which is controlled by what's in the
request.pck file.

Okay. :-) That clears up things very well, thank you.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/lists/hockey]$ dumpdb request.pck | grep heldmsg | wc -l

Now, the first line ends with the value "5145". Here is what I can
find on the filesystem:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/data]$ ls -al heldmsg-hockey* | grep 5145
-rw-rw-r--  1 mailman mailman   3395 May  4 12:54 heldmsg-

I rinsed & repeated that process with the other two entries in the
pending.pck file, i.e. 5146 and 5147. For both of those two, I can
find heldmsg-hockey-NNNN.pck (where NNNN equals the ID above).
However, I still have an awful lot of heldmsg-hockey files that
are .txt files, not .pck files:

The fact that they are .txt files is not a problem per se. As long as
there are entries in request.pck for them, they should appear in the
admindb interface and can be approved if you wish, or rejected or

Now if I run bin/discard, that will discard all the messages in request.pck, right? As per this FAQ entry: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=show&file=faq04.074.htp

Can you think of an easy way to discard all the messages in request.pck _except those_ which still have tokens remaining in pending.pck?

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