On Sat, 17 May 2008 06:40:15 +0100
 Richard Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For anyone that uses them, I now have put MM 2.1.10 compatible versions of the various Mailman patches I maintain up on my web site at:


Patches are as follows:

Sourceforge Patch Number - Description
444879 - Archive indexer control to improve indexing.
444884 - Integration of Mailman & htdig for archive searching.
644797 - Revised mailer exit status.
760567 - Moderation request message content.
820723 - Mailman/pipermail/MHonarc integration
850805 - Aggressive anti email address harvesting measures
1442025 - List Specialisation for Support Groups
1483446 - Daily mbox files for list mbox archives

Apologies for the delay in making these available. I have been, and still am, in work overload so apologies in advance if you encounter any snags; but do not hesitate to contact me if any problems occur using the revised patches

I will also upload them to Sourceforge as time permits, probably over this weekend.

Thank you. We use the htdig and MHonarc patches to provide searchable archives. Our users like it.

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