The esteemed Terrence Brannon has said:
> I posted this 
> <>
> and basically the whole list is having other discussions like I never 
> even posted...
Ignored?  I may have missed something but the one lively discussion
I've seen here in the past few hours (you posted at 17:37 CDT
yesterday and are following up at 06:10) has been about spam handling,
which is a topic that every sysadmin knows about and deals with no
matter what mail programs they are running.  And I think that most of
the discussion has been between sysadmins.   

I will qualify my comments by stating that I am neither a Mailman nor
a Python developer.  I'm just another sysadmin running Mailman 2.1.9
and Python 2.4.3, locally compiled, on a Solaris 9 system, who is
building up a 2.1.10 Solaris 10 upgrade.  

Aside from the fact that "Debian/etch" only tells me you are running
Linux, which is off my turf, I don't see some basic information that 
is probably needed to help you.  What version of Mailman?  What
version of Python?  Are these local compiles from source, or are they
prepackaged versions downloaded from elsewhere (rpm files or whatever
Debian uses for precompiled packages)?  If prepackaged, where did they
come from?  Is this a new installation, or one that has been running
for a while?

If I read you correctly, you've got a Python module running in some
sort of a loop.  What's the name of the module?  

Have you checked basics, such as whether your Qrunners are all
running?  Have you tried stopping and restarting Mailman.  Are you
continuing to try to analyze and debug your problems  (Mailman, MTA,
Apache log reading, determining what's in the files that are not being
processed, etc.)?  Have you trolled through the Mailman FAQ for
clues?  Or are you just sitting there waiting for somebody---anybody---
to give you the magic answer. (Sorry, I don't have that).

I don't know where the Mailman developers are this fine Memorial Day
Weekend Saturday morning.  Maybe out playing golf.  They are
volunteers, donating their time, and that last thing I expect is to
have them jump when somebody says "frog."  In the meantime, I'd
suggest that you gather up the basic configuration information,
provide it here, and continue your own debugging efforts.

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