Carlos Bergero wrote:

>Thx for the tip Mark, I remove the file but and the error stop, but the 
>list disapear from the list_lists,

If you removed only config.pck and not config.pck.last, you should
either get the error again or the list should be there.

>I try with some cofnig.pck.last file 
>that was in a backup dir but those files where corrupt also.
>Is there any way to edit this file and fix it or recover it in some way?

If you don't have a good backup of the config.pck or config.pck.last,
you could try running bin/dumpdb on the files you have. This may
produce some information that you can use, or you can run strings on
the files to try to extract the email addresses of the list members.

You will have to extract what info you can from the files and then
recreate the list and use what you have to add members, etc.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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