John Lieber wrote:

>I recently moved to a new server.  I did a new install, setup everything
>and it's all working great.  I went to import my 'old' member list via
>the web interface, only I forgot to select the radio button to NOT
>notify the members of their subscription.  How do I kill the mail that
>is trying to be sent out?  Right now I shutdown postfix/mailman and even
>the network adapter.

There are better ways to move lists such as just moving the
lists/listname/config.pck files.

But, to your immediate plea, I suspect all the mail is already in
Postfix. Use 'mailq' to list that mail and 'postsuper' to remove the
ones you don't want.

If there are any messages left in Mailman, they will be in
qfiles/virgin/ and/or qfiles/out/. You can use bin/show_qfiles (e.g.
bin/show_qfiles qfiles/virgin/*) to look at the entries and just
remove those you don't want.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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