On 7/2/08 8:15 AM, "Mark Sapiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Fletcher Cocquyt wrote:
>> I did a test - I disabled the SpamAssassin integration and watched the heap
>> grow steadily - I do not believe its SA related:
> OK.
> Does your MTA limit the size of incoming messages? Can it?
No, Yes 
# maximum message size
#O MaxMessageSize=0

> At some point in the next day or so, I'm going to make a modified
> scripts/post script which will queue incoming messages in qfiles/bad
> and then move them to qfiles/in only if they are under a certain size.
> I'm really curious to see if that will help.

Yes, having a global incoming maxmessagesize limit and handler (what will
the sender receive back?) for mailman would be useful.

>> Trying to find a way to look at the contents of the heap or at least limit
>> its growth.
>> Or is there not a way expire & restart mailman processes analogous to the
>> apache httpd process expiration (designed to mitigate this kind of resource
>> growth over time)?
> bin/mailmanctl could be modified to do this automatically, but
> currently only does it on command (restart) or signal (SIGINT), but I
> gather you're already running a cron that does a periodic restart.

Fletcher Cocquyt
Senior Systems Administrator
Information Resources and Technology (IRT)
Stanford University School of Medicine

Phone: (650) 724-7485

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