Folks --

I'm planning on upgrading my Mac XServe this weekend, and wanted to get a feel for the 'best' way to make sure the work goes smoothly. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

The overall goal is to upgrade from G5 XServe 10.3.9 Server(!) with default Apple installation of Mailman 2.1.4(!) to Mac OS X 10.5 and a standardized install of Mailman 2.1.11. This is less of an upgrade and more of a process whereby I take new hard drives, format them and then install/migrate the data/applications from the older drives.

I have a very old message directing me to some of the FAQ which, with the help of someone very familiar with UNIX, we can use to get away from the Apple version of the install. However, I still have a couple of questions:

1) Are there any significant changes to the FAQ for Apple upgrade I should know about?

2) Should we upgrade Mailman to 2.1.11 FIRST, then do the OS X install or the other way around? I can see arguments for both, but having never done any upgrade for mailman I'm not sure which to do first.

3) I'm running a single, very small announce-only list with about 125 subscribers, but I'd like to preserve the archived messages (all in Cyrillic text). I really DON'T want to preserve the existing queue of postings held for moderation, they are all SPAM. Is it possible to drop a specific piece of Mailman like that during an upgrade?

4) So, I really need to put some kind of SPAM filter between Mailman and Postfix. Does anyone know if the pre-installed SapmAssassin which comes with OS X (10.5) just 'magically' becomes part of the mix, or do I need to do something else to start filtering the incoming junk to mailman?

5) I hope to set up a boot drive plus a RAID0 for the data drives. Where does Mailman end up living?

Thanks again,
Drew Tenenholz
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