Roberto Gherardi wrote:

I have a question

the engine bounce updates by hand only when it recognizes the mistakes?

I'm trying to understand your question. Perhaps this will help.

Mailman sends mail with envelope from, Sender: and Errors-To: equal to the listname-bounces address. Except in the case of really broken MTAs, bounces will be returned to this address.

If the list's bounce_processing is set to No, mail to this address is ignored.

If the list's bounce_processing is set to Yes, an attempt is made to recognize any messages to the listname-bounces address. If they are recognized as 'non-fatal' they are ignored. If they are recognized as fatal and the bouncing address is a list member, a bounce is scored for the member. If the address is not a member, the message is ignored.

If the message is not recognized, and the list's bounce_unrecognized_goes_to_list_owner is Yes, the message is forwarded to the list owner. if the list's bounce_unrecognized_goes_to_list_owner is No, the message is discarded.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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