Hank van Cleef wrote:

Just because:
Solaris isn't Linux, and sendmail isn't Postfix, isn't a reason to
call either one of them "screwed up."

You picked a really bad analogy to make with me.

I've been administering Suns for almost twenty years, since the SunOS 4.0.2 days. I still vividly remember the dreckage and bletchery that was called Solaris when 2.0 was shipped. Back in the day, 2.5.1 was the first version that was even minimally acceptable, although it has long since been overtaken by events. I've got four Ultra 10 clones sitting in a room at a storage facility, because I haven't had space for them since my wife and I moved back to the US in 2006.

Likewise, I was the Sendmail FAQ maintainer in 1995, and I was materially involved in the very early days of what was originally called IBM VMailer in 1998, back before Wietse decided to rename it "postfix" and make the official launch at the SANE'98 conference where he and I spoke back-to-back on the same stage. There are a number of features in each program that I can proudly claim that I was the first to strongly advocate them, or I was the first to report their malfunctioning. You can check the source code if you don't believe me. Just search for my name.

I've been administering Linux since the kernel 2.0.x days, and of all of the above mentioned subjects, it's actually the thing I know the least about.

Just because you think you hear me saying things that you've heard from other people who have been making snap judgements without adequate information, is not necessarily a valid reason to assume that I'm actually doing the same.

You admonish me to do my homework on the OSes or MTAs in question before I pass judgement, and I admonish you to do your homework before you pass judgement on me without adequate information.

When I say that Solaris is screwed-up, I have two decades of experience that tells me that it is actually, really, honestly, well and truly screwed-up. At least with regards to this particular area. They may have made improvements in lots of other areas, but this is one area where they have gone way backwards.

julie:vancleef:$ uptime
  9:54am  up 194 day(s), 17:24,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01,

And I've had machines with an uptime over 1000 days.  Big deal.

Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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