Dragon, Mark,

Thanks for the quick replies.  Dragon, I'd been having a brief conversation
with Mark away from the listserv and we actually got to just about the same
point.  I have a webmail account provided by my hosting which is technically
the recipient of all mailman emails, which I then have forwarding to a gmail
account.  I didn't understand why it was forwarding welcome/approval/error
messages but not my actual posts, which I eventually verified were in fact
being sent to my webmail account.  POP3 refused to fetch them too.  Your
responses seem to answer this perfectly though, and I now understand that
gmail is intentionally hiding them from me.  (Even though the gmail account
is not registered with mailman, I'm sending my posts out from gmail under
the identity of my webmail account, and I guess google is "smart" enough to
know that when it sees the forwarded message coming back.)  Aside from the
data collecting I've generally been a fan of every gmail feature, but I
guess I was bound to find one that seems stupid eventually.  I can't believe
there's not even an option somewhere to disable this "feature" if you so

I turned on "receive acknowledgment of own posts" and I get those, and I do
see a copy in my sent mail.  So I guess everything was working perfectly all
along and I just didn't know it.  Plus it was in the FAQ.  Hope saying
thanks again makes up for that :).

Thanks for helping me out and saving me a lot of wasted time and effort, I
really appreciate it,


On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 7:55 AM, Dragon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You are using a gmail address to post here.

Did you subscribe this gmail address to the list?

If so, that is the problem as gmail will not send list posts back to you
that are already present in your outgoing mailbox.

This is a known problem and Google appears to not give a damn about fixing

Please see:



> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 6:53 AM, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >I have a webmail account (provided by the hosting) which I have told to
> >forward all mail to gmail.  I'd been receiving forwarded
> >welcome/approval/error messages on my gmail during testing, but I decided
> to
> >double check the webmail to see if it was at least getting there.  It
> was...
> >all my test emails were in my webmail inbox, inexplicably not forwarding
> >like the other messages.  Nor are they being retrieved by POP3.
> It doesn't sound like this is applicable in this case, but see
> <http://wiki.list.org/x/2IA9>.
> --
> Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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