Abdul Javid wrote:
>This was working fine before. 
>I used to attach html file as email attachement and use "html" in options my 
>The idea was to send the html file for readers to see in body of the email not 
>as file.
>Not sure what changed recently am not able to do that, its goin as file with 
>following for every email
>-----Inline Attachment Follows-----
>Any help is appreciated, i used this for mailman mailing list in my org and 
>now viewers are being prompted to download files rather than showing up in 
>body of message itself.
>thanks in advance.

This is a Yahoo question.

This is a Yahoo question.

This is a Yahoo question.

This is a Yahoo question.

This is a Yahoo question.

(saving clutter by answering all five posts with one reply)

Something has changed in the message you are sending, or perhaps the
issue comes about in Mailman because you have added a msg_header and
or msg_footer. In any case there's not much that we could definitively
say without seeing the actual raw message.

In any case, be sure that msg_header an msg_footer on the Non-digest
options page are empty (not just blank, but truly empty) and see if
that helps.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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