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Hi Bill=0AI have explained already,=C2=A0I=C2=B4ve had=C2=A0a discussion li=
st for 5 years now and all this time have worked just fine, but had to chan=
ge servers cause I have no choice _the other server was a windows based ser=
ver and was way =C2=A0too expensive_=C2=A0but I know how mailman works and =
like it very much (as a user and as an administrator), so if looking for a =
good service that allows me _with no problem and delays as I=C2=B4ve had fo=
r 5 years_=C2=A0around 3000 mails a day_ for you means a high maintenace cl=
ient, thanks but no thanks....=0A=C2=A0I=C2=B4m already in contact with EMW=
D and I =C2=B4m going to try with them. And=C2=A0once my list is set _as I=
=C2=B4m used to_=C2=A0they won=C2=B4t hear from me cause I=C2=B4m not "rant=
ing" nor a difficult ( high maintenance)client, I=C2=B4m just a "potential"=
 client how knows what I want, and I would like to be treated like that=C2=
=A0by=C2=A0getting the answers and solutions for=C2=A0the questions and=C2=
=A0problems I have, and so far, I=C2=B4ve been treated by EMWD and speciall=
y from Brian=C2=A0 that way , so EMWD is the choice I=C2=B4ve made.=0A=C2=
=A0=0AJ.A.G=0A=0A=0A=0A----- Mensaje original ----=0ADe: Bill Christensen <=
=C3=A1bado, 6 de septiembre, 2008 23:07:33=0AAsunto: Re: [Mailman-Users] Rv=
: many problems=0A=0AAt 10:33 AM -0700 9/5/08, Jaione Arrieta wrote:=0A=0A>=
Thank you for the answers and yes the problem is wit=3D=0A>h the server tha=
t doesn=3DC2=3DB4t allow more than 400 mails an hour!!!! and my=3D=0A>=C2=
=A0 list has 500 members....,=0A=0ASounds like you have a problem there.=0A=
=0AIf this is an announcement list (where you might have some control =0Aov=
er the timing of messages being sent, as opposed to a discusion =0Alist whe=
re you won't) you might be able to temporarily split the list =0Ainto two.=
=0A=0AIf it's a discussion, you'd be better off moving it again OR getting =
=0Athe current server admin to allow more than 400 emails/hour.=0A=0A>_and =
what makes me more mad is that my contract with them was that =0A>the mailm=
an work properly,=0A=0AWell, technically Mailman *is* working properly.=C2=
=A0 It's the throttled =0Amail gateway that's getting you.=0A=0A>=C2=A0 I'm=
 looking for the best option=3D=0A>=C2=A0 and I after going through the lis=
t you guys sent me I like EMWD=3DC2=3DA0 caus=3D=0A>e they have a mailman h=
osting=3DC2=3DA0 _that=3DC2=3DB4s all I need cause my web is=3D=0A>=C2=A0 i=
n another server_but I have contacted them twice already (yesterday and t=
=3D=0A>his morning)and haven=3DC2=3DB4t had any answer yet....=0A=0AMaybe b=
ecause you're ranting and sound like a potentially =0Ahigh-maintainence cli=
ent.=C2=A0 (-;=0A=0AActually, they say that they've attempted to contact yo=
u but it's =0Abounced from your Yahoo address twice.=0A=0AWe also host Mail=
man lists.=C2=A0 I hadn't spoken up before now because =0Awe're relatively =
new to Mailman, having just switched over in March =0Afrom another list sof=
tware that we've been running for many years. =0AAnd because I was busy wit=
h other stuff - like working on a long =0Aoverdue overhaul of our own site.=
=0A=0ABefore I can make you an offer I'd need to know the topic of your =0A=
list and get an idea of your message load - how many messages per =0Aweek o=
r month on average, and what the averages is of the total =0Amegabytes used=
.=0A=0A=0A-- =0ABill Christensen=0A<http://greenbuilder.com/contact/>=0A=0A=
Green Building Professionals Directory: <http://directory.greenbuilder.com>=
=0ASustainable Building Calendar: <http://www.greenbuilder.com/calendar/>=
=0AGreen Real Estate: <http://www.greenbuilder.com/realestate/>=0AStraw Bal=
e Registry: <http://sbregistry.greenbuilder.com/>=0ABooks/videos/software: =
------------------=0AMailman-Users mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
=0Ahttp://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users=0AMailman FAQ: htt=
p://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3=0ASearchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com=
/mailman-users%40python.org/=0AUnsubscribe: http://mail.python.org/mailman/=
options/mailman-users/jaionea%40yahoo.com=0A=0ASecurity Policy: http://wiki=
=0ACorreo Yahoo!=0AEspacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam =
=C2=A1gratis! =0AReg=C3=ADstrate ya - http://correo.yahoo.com.mx/ 
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<html><head><style type=3D"text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></he=
ad><body><div style=3D"font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:1=
4pt"><P>Hi Bill</P>=0A<P>I have explained already,&nbsp;I=C2=B4ve had&nbsp;=
a discussion list for 5 years now and all this time have worked just fine, =
but had to change servers cause I have no choice _the other server was a wi=
ndows based server and was way &nbsp;too expensive_&nbsp;but I know how mai=
lman works and like it very much (as a user and as an administrator), so if=
 looking for a good service that allows me _with no problem and delays as I=
=C2=B4ve had for 5 years_&nbsp;around 3000 mails a day_ for you means a hig=
h maintenace client, thanks but no thanks....</P>=0A<P>&nbsp;I=C2=B4m alrea=
dy in contact with EMWD and I =C2=B4m going to try with them. And&nbsp;once=
 my list is set _as I=C2=B4m used to_&nbsp;they won=C2=B4t hear from me cau=
se I=C2=B4m not "ranting" nor a difficult ( high maintenance)client, I=C2=
=B4m just a "potential" client how knows what I want, and I would like to b=
e treated like that&nbsp;by&nbsp;getting the answers and solutions for&nbsp=
;the questions and&nbsp;problems I have, and so far, I=C2=B4ve been treated=
 by EMWD and specially from Brian&nbsp; that way , so EMWD is the choice I=
=C2=B4ve made.</P>=0A<P>&nbsp;</P>=0A<P>J.A.G</P>=0A<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>=0A<DI=
V style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><BR>=
=0A<DIV style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: arial, helvetica, sans-serif=
">----- Mensaje original ----<BR>De: Bill Christensen &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]
builder.com&gt;<BR>Para: Mailman-Users@python.org<BR>Enviado: s=C3=A1bado, =
6 de septiembre, 2008 23:07:33<BR>Asunto: Re: [Mailman-Users] Rv: many prob=
lems<BR><BR>At 10:33 AM -0700 9/5/08, Jaione Arrieta wrote:<BR><BR>&gt;Than=
k you for the answers and yes the problem is wit=3D<BR>&gt;h the server tha=
t doesn=3DC2=3DB4t allow more than 400 mails an hour!!!! and my=3D<BR>&gt;&=
nbsp; list has 500 members....,<BR><BR>Sounds like you have a problem there=
.<BR><BR>If this is an announcement list (where you might have some control=
 <BR>over the timing of messages being sent, as opposed to a discusion <BR>=
list where you won't) you might be able to temporarily split the list <BR>i=
nto two.<BR><BR>If it's a discussion, you'd be better off moving it again O=
R getting <BR>the current server admin to allow more than 400
 emails/hour.<BR><BR>&gt;_and what makes me more mad is that my contract wi=
th them was that <BR>&gt;the mailman work properly,<BR><BR>Well, technicall=
y Mailman *is* working properly.&nbsp; It's the throttled <BR>mail gateway =
that's getting you.<BR><BR>&gt;&nbsp; I'm looking for the best option=3D<BR=
>&gt;&nbsp; and I after going through the list you guys sent me I like EMWD=
=3DC2=3DA0 caus=3D<BR>&gt;e they have a mailman hosting=3DC2=3DA0 _that=3DC=
2=3DB4s all I need cause my web is=3D<BR>&gt;&nbsp; in another server_but I=
 have contacted them twice already (yesterday and t=3D<BR>&gt;his morning)a=
nd haven=3DC2=3DB4t had any answer yet....<BR><BR>Maybe because you're rant=
ing and sound like a potentially <BR>high-maintainence client.&nbsp; (-;<BR=
><BR>Actually, they say that they've attempted to contact you but it's <BR>=
bounced from your Yahoo address twice.<BR><BR>We also host Mailman lists.&n=
bsp; I hadn't spoken up before now because <BR>we're relatively new to Mail=
man, having just
 switched over in March <BR>from another list software that we've been runn=
ing for many years. <BR>And because I was busy with other stuff - like work=
ing on a long <BR>overdue overhaul of our own site.<BR><BR>Before I can mak=
e you an offer I'd need to know the topic of your <BR>list and get an idea =
of your message load - how many messages per <BR>week or month on average, =
and what the averages is of the total <BR>megabytes used.<BR><BR><BR>-- <BR=
>Bill Christensen<BR>&lt;<A href=3D"http://greenbuilder.com/contact/"; targe=
t=3D_blank>http://greenbuilder.com/contact/</A>&gt;<BR><BR>Green Building P=
rofessionals Directory: &lt;<A href=3D"http://directory.greenbuilder.com/"; =
target=3D_blank>http://directory.greenbuilder.com</A>&gt;<BR>Sustainable Bu=
ilding Calendar: &lt;<A href=3D"http://www.greenbuilder.com/calendar/"; targ=
et=3D_blank>http://www.greenbuilder.com/calendar/</A>&gt;<BR>Green Real Est=
ate: &lt;<A href=3D"http://www.greenbuilder.com/realestate/";
 target=3D_blank>http://www.greenbuilder.com/realestate/</A>&gt;<BR>Straw B=
ale Registry: &lt;<A href=3D"http://sbregistry.greenbuilder.com/"; target=3D=
: &lt;<A href=3D"http://bookstore.greenbuilder.com/"; target=3D_blank>http:/=
-------------------<BR>Mailman-Users mailing list<BR><A href=3D"mailto:Mail=
[EMAIL PROTECTED]" ymailto=3D"mailto:Mailman-Users@python.org";>Mailman-U=
[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A><BR><A href=3D"http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/m=
ailman-users" target=3D_blank>http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailm=
an-users</A><BR>Mailman FAQ: <A href=3D"http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3"; target=
=3D_blank>http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3</A><BR>Searchable Archives: <A href=
=3D"http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/"; target=3D_blan=
e: <A
oo.com" target=3D_blank>http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/mailman-user=
s/jaionea%40yahoo.com</A><BR><BR>Security Policy: <A href=3D"http://wiki.li=
st.org/x/QIA9" target=3D_blank>http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9</A><BR></DIV></D=
IV></div><br>__________________________________________________<br>Correo Y=
ahoo!<br>Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam =C2=A1gratis=
! <br>Reg=C3=ADstrate ya - http://correo.yahoo.com.mx/ </body></html>
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9

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