RobG wrote:
>The version we have now was installed during the server setup, so it 
>lives in /usr/lib/mailman.
>I've moved over the various lists/ and data/ and other directories that 
>didn't already exist.  I've run bin/check_perms -f to fix the 
>permissions.  I updated our mm_cfg list with the changes we made (what 
>few there were).  We're running Postfix as the mail transport.
>BUT, so far, the new installation of mailman doesn't recognize the lists 
>we have.  I'm guessing there's a config file or something somewhere that 
>needs to be modified (or copied over from the old installation) for it 
>to work.  Or, is there a different way I should be doing this?

You didn't move the lists to the right place. RedHat puts things all
over the place to be FHS compliant. There should have already been a
/var/lib/mailman/lists/ directory which is where you should put your
lists/* subdirectories. Likewise, /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/.

for a map.

There is no global config file. If there is a
lists/<listname>/config.pck file, the <listname> list exists.
Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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