TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:
>> Assuming mailman's home directory is NOT /usr/local/mailman and
>> assuming that prefix, and var_prefix are /usr/local/mailman, mailman's
>> home directory is irrelevant.
>But mailman's home directory (where all its programs, scripts, archives and
>discussion lists are stored) IS /usr/local/mailman and according to my
>Mailman/, both var_prefix and prefix are also /user/local/mailman
>PREFIX          = '/usr/local/mailman'
>VAR_PREFIX      = '/usr/local/mailman'
>How does that change things?

When you said:
>>Now can we talk about the proper ownership of all the mailman files both IN
>>/usr/local/mailman directory structure and in the UserAccount/mailman
>>directory as well?

it seemed to me you were talking about two separate directories,
/usr/local/mailman and UserAccount/mailman. Whether or not these are
separate directories or the same directory, the ownership and
permissions on /usr/local/mailman are the only ones that matter.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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