TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:

>Now that my archiver is working again, I have several files in qfiles/shunt
>that I'd like to recover and convince mailman to insert into my (now
>working) October archive. If it's possible to do so, I also have a few
>shunted files from the end of September that I'd like to recover and have
>included in the September archive as well.
>Under the circumstances, I'd rather not attack this using a trial and error
>process. Can anyone point me to a post that explains how to retrieve and
>recover pck files from the qfiles/shunt directory and convince ARCHrunner to
>try processing them again?

Run Mailman's bin/unshunt --help

In this case all you should need to do is put the old *.pck files from
the old shunt directory into the current shunt directory along with
the current shunted *.pck files and run 'bin/unshunt'.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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