Helmut Schneider wrote:

I have lots of problems with out-of-office replies. I tried to set up
a few  filter rules using 2.1.10. Unfortuantely they don't catch them.
Are the  expressions case sensitiv? Are the expressions basic or
extended? What I tried yet:

^subject:.*is out of office.*

There are two different filters at # Privacy options... ->Spam filters,
and they work differently.

The more flexible of the two is header_filter_rules. For
header_filter_rules the regexps are matched against a multi-line
string containing all the unfolded headers in the message, both
message headers and sub-part headers. The regexp is a python regexp
<http://docs.python.org/library/re.html#regular-expression-syntax> and
the headers are searched
<http://docs.python.org/library/re.html#re.search> for a match of the
regexp in MULTILINE and IGNORECASE mode. This means the '^' matches
the beginning of the string or the null character immediately
following a newline and the match is case insensitive. Thus your above
expressions look good.

That's weird. Messages still pass with e.g.

Subject: [Somelist] Declined:  Invitation to workshop on 13rd Dec. 2008

in the Header. Do I need to escape the colon? Or something else?

Interesting, with "^subject:.*Declined.*"

Subject: Declined: [Somelist] Invitation to workshop on 13rd Dec. 2008

matches while

Subject: [Somelist] Declined:  Invitation to workshop on 13rd Dec. 2008

does not. Huh?!
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