Mark, thanks for your help.

For the most part I did get around the SMTP issues last week, I disabled ident lookup on the smtp server. But it seems to be back today and I don't quite understand what could be the problem.

I wrote a tiny perl script to test the connection to the server via localhost and I can consistently do 500 connections in 30 seconds. I don't see any other evidence of the smtp hanging up.

But if I do an strace on the outgoing runner, it basically is working very slowly through a large memberlist. It will process a certain number, then hang a few seconds before it processes the next batch. The server is not loaded and I don't see any other evidence of problems.

Do you have a small python script I can run to test out the localhost smtp that can maybe output some diagnostic information?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Sapiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ricardo Kleemann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "mailman-users" <>
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2008 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] when does logs/post get updated?

Ricardo Kleemann wrote:

I have some more data on this...

I enabled the debug in, and it shows that there really
aren't any problems. It shows that slowly a message is being sent out.

So your real issue is why is it proceeding so slowly.

I followed the performance tuning suggestions that had the MAX_RCPTS in at an optimal value from 2-5, so I set it to 3.

Is the MTA doing DNS verification on incoming mail from Mailman? Are
you having some DNS issue?

But does that mean that mailman is going to simply get stuck on one
single message distribution and won't process any others until this one
is finished?


I used to have these lists on another server and over there I had the
MAX_RCPTS set to a high number, but my mail server is set to reject
above 25 rcpts anyway so the end result that at max it would handle 25
rcpts. I remember that whenever a message arrived for the list (again
20,000 members) on the other server, the load average on the server
would go pretty high as it processed the list.

But now on this new server I never see the load avg go up. Is this
because of the MAX_RCPTS setting? What else would keep mailman from
efficiently handling the messages?

Slow response from the MTA. Even with SMTP_MAX_RCPTS set to 3, you
should be delivering on the order of 100 or more recipients per
second. What do you see in Mailman's smtp log for processing tomes for
messages. How do the latest ones compare to those from days or a week

The OutgoingRunner is just sitting there slowly distributing the message
and never seems to get to the next one.

It will when it finishes this one.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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