James Gallagher wrote:

I moved a set of lists from one host & mailman installation to another host running Mailman 2.1.11rc2. I followed the advice in the FAQ regarding moving lists and it seemed to work OK but I notice two issues. First, messages to the lists are not being archived - I've checked the permissions on the .mbox files, et c., and they are the same as with new lists where archiving does work.

What are your ownership and permissions like? What happens when you run "~Mailman/bin/check_perms"? Not all of the things in FAQ 4.78 (see <http://wiki.list.org/x/A4E9>) are going to be relevant to your problem here, but there are lots of good general debugging steps that are listed there.

One thing that shouldn't matter is that I ran configure before I copied the lists - I forget if that's the order used in the FAQ answer.

I'm not convinced that won't create a problem for you, but I'll leave that question for Mark.

The second question, and it might provide a clue regarding the first, is that I have the lists in question set to prefix the message subject with the name of the list in brackets. Again, that works with the new lists but not with the moved lists.

That sounds like a configuration file that is not in the right place, and that might potentially be caused by the "configure" not being done in the correct place on the correct system.

Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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