We recently moved over to mailman from Ecartis at $dayjob, and one of the largest annoyances is that mailman seems to have no ability to strip duplicate messages that are sent to the lists.

We moved over from our main domain name, foo.com, to lists.foo.com, so what happens is this:

A user posts to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- the mailer forwards it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] People reply to the list and hit reply-all, which directs replies to the LIST ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) but also to the original recipient ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Bam, duplicates.

I don't want to get into an evangelical holy-war about reply-all. We already had it here.

I've seen mention of a fix for this via procmail, that basically creates a "lockfile" based on the message-id. Our mail server's not running procmail, and since it's only hosting lists, not and mailboxes, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to use it.

All mailman would have to do is touch a per-list lockfile based on message-id (one line of shell), and then at some point in the posting process, if that lockfile exists, drop the message (as it's already come through). Cleanup is one line of shell (find foo -ctime xxx -delete) or can be handled from the qrunner.

Heck, if you want to be fancy, give me a list of regexes that match recipients, and more than one must match to make this happen.

I also tried sending this to the -developers list. No response. But maybe that's the wrong place since I'm not developing, or submitting a patch. Just saying I need a simple feature and could pay something for it if need be. Not something amazing, but enough for a nice dinner and drinks (or if you're local to silicon valley, I'll buy).

Can mailman please have this functionality natively?



--------Dan Mahoney--------
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM
Site:  http://www.gushi.org

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