On 12/29/2008 07:29 PM, Brad Knowles wrote:
Part of the problem is that the people who maintain the official python.org documentation for this information feel that Mailman should not be referencing their documentation, instead we should have our own internal version of the same information.

Arguably, that is probably the better thing to do. Or at least point to a page that says "Go <here> to find the information that you are wanting..." and have the "<here>" be more easily update able while still providing a static path that will work across multiple Maiman releases.

So, they don't give a flying flip about what happens to the Mailman community when they change their documentation or their URLs.

I'm sure that it's not only Mailman that has been hurt by the changed URLs. Besides, I'd be very tempted to set up 302, or better 301, redirects from the old URLs to the new URLs. That way if /anyone/ does accidentally enter the old URL they are redirected to where they should be. Optionally for pages that merged or split, they could put a disambiguating page (like Wikipedia) allowing people to choose where they want to go.

Grant. . . .
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