From: Rich Kulawiec <>

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 10:15:43AM -0800, Jan Steinman wrote:
I would willingly pay a hundredth of a cent (or so) per email sent if it
would reduce spam to near-zero.

This is a thoroughly-discredited, utterly broken idea... based on the ludicrous
notion that abusers... will, for absolutely no reason
whatsoever, suddenly and magically behave honestly and pay to send mail.

No, it is based upon the idea that a system could be implemented whereby it would be impossible to avoid the payment.

Or should we just admit that any crook can hack any arbitrary ATM machine, or that any mass-marketer can send paper mail without a stamp?

I don't believe anyone in this discussion was relying on the ethics of voluntary payments to reduce spam.

:::: If vegetarians eat only vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
:::: Jan Steinman <>

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