Thijs Braem wrote:
>On (May 1st, 2000) I read the
>"For example, there is a project contributor who has implemented a MIME
>attachment scanner module which can be dropped into the pipeline. This
>module can strip attachments from the message, post the attachments to
>an external archive (either the file system or a WebDAV server) and then
>rewrite the outgoing message to include a URL to the attachment instead
>of the attachment text."
>This is exactly the functionality I'm looking for! Does anyone have an
>idea where to find this module, or how this can be done otherwise?

Starting with Mailman 2.1.6, there is a scrub_nondigest setting in the
Non-digest options section of the web admin interface.

This will cause non text/plain parts of the message to be removed and
replaced by links to the archive where they are stored. You don't have
a choice of where the "attachments" are stored, but otherwise this is
the feature.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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