Mordur Ingolfsson wrote:
>I am running a list with mostly Icelandic users. Icelandic character set
>is filled with strange and exotic accents and weird caracters. My digest
>users get  those accented characters changed to question marks, such as
> ?eir sem eru ?samm?la ?v? a? leggja ?a? ni?ur svari ?essum p?sti me?
>inf?ldu "nei"
>The ordinary subscribers to the list get the messages unchanged. What, I
>ask, am I to do about this?

The best answer would be to change the list's preferred_language to
Icelandic, but unfortunately, there is no Icelandic i18n for Mailman.
If you or someone or some group you know is interested in translating
Mailman to Icelandic, I'm sure you could get help and advice from the list

The next option, assuming the list's preferred_language is English, is
to change Mailman's character set for English from 'us-ascii' to
'iso-8859-1'. You (or the Mailman admin at your host) would do this by
putting the line

add_language('en', 'English (USA)', 'iso-8859-1', 'ltr')

in and restarting Mailman.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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