Bernie Cosell wrote:

>I've removed the -subscribe alias for one of my lists.  So there's just 
>no way to get a message to mailman with 'subscribe LIST' on the command 
>line.  But nonetheless, I just got a message from mailman:
>    Your authorization is required for a mailing list subscription
>    request approval:  ...
>How does that happen?  Is there some way to make a subscription request 
>happen that doesn't involve using a -subscribe alias?  [obviously yes, 
>but I don't know what it is..:o)]

Four ways:

1) send a subscribe command to the LIST-request address

2) send an email to the LIST-join address

3) fill out and submit the subscribe form on the listinfo page.

4) send the appropriate data from as would be posted by the web
subscribe form as indicated in the FAQ at

You may have blocked one or two of these, but have you blocked all four?

Note that unless you have VERP_CONFIRMATIONS = Yes in,
disabling the LIST-request address will severely limit your ability to
confirm things by email.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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