Jeff Grossman wrote:

>I have started getting the following error message in my log files.  It
>appears to be when Mailman receives a bounce for a non-member.
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527): Traceback (most recent call last):
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):   File
>"/Applications/mailman/bin/qrunner", line 278, in ?
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):      main()
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):   File
>"/Applications/mailman/bin/qrunner", line 238, in main
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):   File
>"/Applications/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 88, in run
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):      self._cleanup()
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):   File
>"/Applications/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 263, in
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):      BounceMixin._cleanup(self)
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):   File
>"/Applications/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 137, in
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):      self._register_bounces()
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):   File
>"/Applications/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 125, in
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):      mlist.registerBounce(addr, msg,
>day=day)Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):   File
>"/Applications/mailman/Mailman/", line 167, in registerBounce
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):      self.setBounceInfo(member, info)
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):   File
>"/Applications/mailman/Mailman/", line 362, in
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):      self.__assertIsMember(member)
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):   File
>"/Applications/mailman/Mailman/", line 114, in
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527):      raise Errors.NotAMemberError,
>Feb 13 21:31:25 2009 qrunner(527): Mailman.Errors . NotAMemberError :

I don't see how this can happen. If you look at Mailman/, you
should see

    def registerBounce(self, member, msg, weight=1.0, day=None):
        if not self.isMember(member):

Thus, you should never be getting to the

        self.setBounceInfo(member, info)

later in that method.

Is there something wierd about the member address? There was a bug at
one time that would allow a members address to be stored with
upper-case in the domain, but I don't think even this would cause the
above error.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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