
I applied the patch, used the request address, and my message still gets

Feb 17 14:59:32 2009 (1046) Uncaught runner exception: 'NoneType' object
has no attribute 'lower'
Feb 17 14:59:32 2009 (1046) Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/export/home/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 114, in
    self._onefile(msg, msgdata)
  File "/export/home/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 185, in
    keepqueued = self._dispose(mlist, msg, msgdata)
  File "/export/home/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 239,
in _dispose
  File "/export/home/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 112,
in process
    stop = self.do_command(cmd, args)
  File "/export/home/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 139,
in do_command
    return handler.process(self, args)
  File "/export/home/mailman/Mailman/Commands/", line
74, in process
    if (digest is None
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower'

Feb 17 14:59:32 2009 (1046) SHUNTING:

Diff on the new and old:

# diff Mailman/Commands/ Mailman/Commands/cmd_sub>
<     if (digest is None
<             and password and password.lower() in ('digest',
>     if digest is None and password.lower() in ('digest', 'nodigest'):

The web form that you pointed me at should work regardless of this error
with the utility?


Alan Rubin   
Technician Unix
DCS Midrange Services
Phone: +61 (08) 8999 5111
Fax:      +61 (08) 8999 7493

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Sapiro [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 17 February 2009 2:22 PM
To: Alan Rubin; Mailman User List
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] subscribing by email

Alan Rubin wrote:
>We have a customer who would like to use a form on a website to
>subscribe people to a mailing list.  In theory, the form would email
>details the list-join address of the list.

Unduly complicated. See the FAQ at <>.

But, since you ask, read on...

>I have tried following the
>instructions from the members' manual:
>subscribe [<PASSWORD>] [digest-nodigest] [address=<ADDRESS>]
>Subscribe to this mailing list. Your password must be given to
>unsubscribe or change your options, but
>if you omit the password, one will be generated for you. You may be
>periodically reminded of your
>The next argument may be either: 'nodigest' or 'digest' (no quotes!).
>you wish to subscribe an address
>other than the address you sent this request from, you may specify
>'address=<ADDRESS>' (no brackets
>around the email address, and no quotes!)
>I am testing this process with a test list using the following email:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Alan Rubin 
>Sent: Tuesday, 17 February 2009 1:46 PM
>To: ''
>subscribe nodigest

You can't send a generic subscribe command to to the -join or
-subscribe address. The subject/body of mail to those addresses are
ignored and they just request subscription of the From: address with
generated password and default digest/nodigest.

If you want to send a subscribe command as above in the subject or body
of the mail, you have to send it to the -request address.

But that isn't the reason for the following.

>but my attempts keep getting shunted (tried twice, first without a
>digest option):
>Feb 17 13:46:20 2009 (1046) Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/export/home/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 114, in
>    self._onefile(msg, msgdata)
>  File "/export/home/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 185, in
>    keepqueued = self._dispose(mlist, msg, msgdata)
>  File "/export/home/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 241,
>in _dispose
>    res.do_command('join')
>  File "/export/home/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 139,
>in do_command
>    return handler.process(self, args)
>  File "/export/home/mailman/Mailman/Commands/", line
>74, in process
>    if digest is None and password.lower() in ('digest', 'nodigest'):
>AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower'
>Feb 17 13:46:20 2009 (1046) SHUNTING:
>Any help?  Am I missing a step?  This is somewhat urgent, if anyone is
>still awake in the West.

This was a bug in the 2.1.10 release. See
for a patch, but the irony here is if you had sent the mail to, it would have worked and not triggered
the bug.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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