Savoy, Jim wrote:
>>Mark Sapiro wrote:
>>The digest messages are accumulated for a list in a mbox format file
>>lists/LISTNAME/digest.mbox. When a new message arrives and is added to
>>digest.mbox and the size of digest.mbox is now greater than the list's
>>digest_size_threshold, a digest is sent at that time for that list,
>>and the digest.mbox is removed.
>Hmmm. Removed huh? Maybe our digesting situation isn't so healthy
>I just did a recursive listing of the /lists directory and there are
>a few digest.mboxes in there! A lot of them have really old dates on
>and NONE of them is over 30K. So I think the problem we have here is
>our digests ONLY go out when the digest.mbox exceeds 30K, and not
>regardless of size". Maybe that's where the senddigests cron job kicks


>That still doesn't explain why they are all still there and nothing was
>delivered when I ran the cron job at 12:48 today...

Are you sure digest_send_periodic is set to Yes for those lists that
have old digest.mbox files?

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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