There has been some discussion (that I will not quote) about various
linux Mailman packages.  I built a 2.1.12 package for Ubuntu based on
the SourceForge source and the Debian/Ubuntu 2.1.9 package.  At that
time there were too many Debian patches that were undocumented.
Last week I decided to look at the Ubuntu 2.1.12 package for the
"jaunty" release, and I found fewer patches.  The patch log file
mentioned that all of the patches had been reviewed by Mark Sapiro,
so I assume that the remaining patches are needed to fix bugs.  I
assume that Mark has these remaining patches and will include them in
the next release of Mailman.  I have not yet finished reviewing the
patches, but the ones I have reviewed look to me like fixes for bugs.
Barry S. Finkel
Computing and Information Systems Division
Argonne National Laboratory          Phone:    +1 (630) 252-7277
9700 South Cass Avenue               Facsimile:+1 (630) 252-4601
Building 222, Room D209              Internet:
Argonne, IL   60439-4828             IBMMAIL:  I1004994
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