* Jesper Dybdal <jd-mailman-us...@dybdal.dk> wrote:
> If anybody should be interested, I've placed the modified patch,
> directly usable for 2.1.11, at
> http://www.dybdal.dk/mailman-2.1.11-postfix-verp.patch

Uh oh. I remember that patch, I've even tested it (German:
but it was incomplete (I found that out only weeks after I had written
that test).

I don't remember any specific details, but there were definitely
problems with double VERP'ifying. Something with the monthly
reminders. Whatever you do, don't simply go live with this one,
perform more testing first: Password reminders, monthly membership
reminders, moderation messages, reject messages and so on.

Don't get me wrong, being able to reduce the number of queue files
created can be a major performance increase on busy servers, the above
patch just doesn't cut it.

Stefan Förster     http://www.incertum.net/     Public Key: 0xBBE2A9E9
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