Good day


                My name is Terry Munk and I manage the website for a small
lake assoc. in upstate New York.  Members have asked about the possibility
of our having a mailing list set up to send out information to our
membership.  Our current host does not offer this service.  We are a 501 C 3
not for Profit organization.  My question is can you tell me if there is
someplace out there where we can create a mailing list?  I am a novice at
the mailing list so I could very easily be using the wrong terms, not too
sure.  What I am looking for is to create a list that our membership could
subscribe and unsubscribe to through a secure web site that we could send
out a monthly newsletter through and occasional other items.  Our current
address is <> .  I try to keep
this information as up to date as possible on our web site; however we have
members who for various reasons are able to get e-mail but not look at web


Thank you in advance for any assistance that you might be able to provide.



Terry Munk

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