* Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>:
> Stefan Förster wrote:
> > list_lists | awk '(NR > 1){print $1}' | \
> or
> list_lists --bare | \

Thank you, tbh, I didn't read list_lists manpage.

> > I'm running a Debian package of Mailman and I know that it is
> > modified, I just don't know to which extent. Perhaps someone with more
> > knowledge could comment on the availability of those two helper
> > commands in a standard Mailman installation? Perhaps they must be
> > executed as the Mailman user, or with some special environment.
> In the standard source distribution, all the command line commands
> including list_lists and list_members are available in Mailman's bin/
> directory and run from there without any special environment.
> They do need to be run directly or via sudo by root or some user in
> Mailman's group.

That makes sense. The Debian package takes care to create symlinks to
those binaries in /usr/sbin, but it's good to know where to find those
on non-Debian systems.

> Is it the case in Debian that any user on a shared system can run say
> list_members on any list?

Since Mailman's "bin" directory has 755 permissions on Debian, every
user can attempt to run these commands. Most directories (except
private archives) in /var/lib/mailman have world read/execute
permissions, but it seems that the actual data is owned by group
"list" and only readable by group/owner. So running either
"list_lists" or "list_members <listname>" result in a EPERM traceback.

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