Khalil Abbas wrote:
>I went to /var/lib/mailman/lists/dailymail and found these files:
>could the correct file be there? do I have to rename any of these files to
>make it work again?


  /path/to/bin/dumpdb -p /var/lib/mailman/lists/dailymail/$f

for $f equal to each of the above config.pck* files in turn.

Some of these will probably throw an exception and some may work. For
those that work, pick the file with the most recent timestamp and copy
it to config.pck

Also, look in mailman's 'error' log for messages with timestamps around
the timestamps of the above files for more insight into the problem.

>if there's nothing I can do, is there a way to backup
> the list of members in this missing list to a text file so I can format the
>server and install mailman again and reconfigure the lists ?

Hopefully, you can identify at least one usable config.pck and just use
it. If not, you can try running strings on the files to extract data
from them.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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